Making a difference – when the unlikely cause a greater ripple effect than the most likely!3/12/2013 ![]() When reading the passage in John 4:1-42 about Jesus and the Samaritan woman for my recent assignment in Studying and Teaching the Bible at Moody Bible Institute it struck me what an evangelistic impact this Samaritan woman had on her entire community once she believed in Jesus! I’ve read this passage many times before but never saw the correlation between this Samaritan woman in John Chapter 4 and Nicodemus in John Chapter 3. Nicodemus seeks Jesus out at night. He was a devout Jewish leader that knew the scriptures inside and out. He was well known and highly respected by all in his community. He adhered to the religious purity laws and was a teacher of them. He believed in Jesus, yet he left Jesus and did not share his belief. There is no mention of Nicodemus sharing his faith in Jesus with anyone! On the other hand we see Jesus in John chapter 4 seek out the woman at the well. She was a Samaritan, whom the Jews viewed as half-breeds and heretics. Not only that but she was an immoral woman in her town. Therefore she was rejected even by Samaritans in her community. However, when she believed Jesus to be the Messiah through her encounter with him at the well, she did not hide her faith in him but rather told her entire town and many believed because of her testimony! In this bible passage we see that sometimes the unlikely can cause a greater ripple-effect for the Kingdom of God than the most likely. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done, you can receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and have a huge impact on your community, your family or wherever God leads you! If you’re a brand new believer in Jesus Christ it is very important that you stay in the Word of God. Read it daily. Do not be ashamed to proclaim your faith to others (Luke 9:26). Surround yourself with other believers who will encourage you in your faith in Christ (Hebrews 10:25). If you would like a Godly Christian mentor, contact us and we’ll match you up with a spiritual mentor through our !Encourage! Women Mentoring Women Program. It is so important to have other believers encouraging us in our faith! We’d love to help encourage and pray for you along your spiritual journey!
Today's verse:Jeremiah 29:11 Archives
August 2014